Picket Fence Preview FSBO Advertising

After 25 years, Picket Fence Preview's magazine is Retiring!
But not the business*


       25 Years

      272 Issues

Tens of thousands of
Properties SOLD! 


The September/October is the last print issue of Picket Fence Preview.  It's been a good soldier, an effective marketing medium for private sale sellers to reach buyers, with tens of thousands of sales to prove it over the years.  But it can't keep up with it's rival sibling, www.PicketFencePreview.com any longer.

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Demand for our website has grown, while demand for the print magazine among our customers (sellers) -- particularly younger sellers -- has steadily declined over the past several years, despite the general public still picking up between 30,000 - 40,000 magazines each month. Many sellers said they didn't see the need for print advertising because they believed our website, with perhaps the help of a sign, was all they needed to get the job done.  And, most times, they were right!  In a sense, our online service competed heavily with the print magazine... and succeeded in eventually displacing it. 

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We understand why our online site is so popular with both buyers and sellers, averaging roughly 70,000 unique viewers/ month.  It's interactive and immediate -- sellers can post their own ads, and update them whenever they wish, posting new pictures, open house dates, price changes, Under Contract notifications, etc.  No deadlines, no fuss.  Buyers can see the latest listings, and search specifically in Property type categories or counties from anywhere in the world, then contact the sellers directly.Buyers know they can trust that our ads are "real",
with motivated sellers, unlike those on the free sites that can use house ads as bait to swindle you. It's a win-win all the way around. An added bonus is that paper and trees will be saved, too!

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We're excited for the future.  Now, all our company's energy and resources will be focused on making our website and customer service the best we can offer. We've streamlined and reduced our online advertising rates, including our popular MLS package, and will be making upgrades and improvements to the website in the weeks and months to come.  Look for more articles and informative links to be posted!  We're also looking forward to more time to help customers with their marketing efforts and ads.  We'll continue to provide directional and yard signs in our office, and are here to help if you need assistance posting your photos and description on our website.

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PicketFencePreview.com will continue to be a trusted, effective local resource to bring private sellers and buyers together.  Check it out, if you've only followed the print version. We hope it will earn your patronage and become one of your favorite bookmarked websites -- whether you're in the market for a new home, or just curious to follow what's on the market.

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*sorry Realtors.