Picket Fence Preview + MLS Advertising

The Best Way to Advertise Your Property: 6 month Picket Fence + MLS Listing

This is truly the BEST way to take advantage of access to a network of thousands of Realtors by listing your property in MLS (multiple listing service). You can take advantage of this directly through Picket Fence and avoid paying up to a 6% commission!

For just the cost of an ad in Picket Fence, you get the powerful exposure of Picket Fence Preview web advertising and Social Media PLUS additional marketing exposure from your ad being in the agent's MLS website as well.

If a buyer is in the market for a property like yours, they will not miss it because it will be advertised virtually everywhere they could possibly be looking!

YOU are IN CONTROL No need to pay up to a 6% commission to get into MLS any longer

NO LONGER REQUIRED to offer a Commission - But sometimes it's easier to do so upfront rather than deal with it during your negotiations. You can decide how much incentive you want to offer agents who might see your property in MLS. Obviously, if the buyer finds it through Picket Fence, you don't owe anyone a commission. However, should a buyer broker find it on MLS, YOU control how much YOU pay...not the agents! YOU determine how much to offer at the time YOU post your ad in the MLS. (NOTE: buyer broker commissions are negotiable - usually done when the buyer signs with their agent - and are typically 1-3% of the sales price). Factoring in this possibility when setting your asking price enables you to cover all the bases and come out ahead! Our listing partner will post your ad in MLS and only requires a one-tenth of 1% transaction fee paid at closing, which can be taken out of the proceeds of the buyer agents' commission.

Convenience - You decide when to show the property and to whom. If it is advantageous for you to prioritize showings to private buyers, that's your call. You schedule your own showings that are convenient to your schedule.

Our MLS is Better! - Our MLS listing package is the cheapest and best for you, the private homeseller, because agents contact you directly from the information in your MLS ad! Other MLS services list only the agent's information...forcing you to rely on the agent relaying inquiries on your ad to you. With our MLS package you receive the inquiry directly because the showing directions explicitly require that you be contacted directly! No games, no tricks, no hassles! No need to pay up to a 6% commission to get into MLS any longer...pay buyer's agents what YOU want!

How It Works

Very simple. Purchase a 6 month ad package and you get the MLS included. Because MLS ads are a minimum of 6 months, our ad package also runs for a six months duration. There are no shorter term MLS packages available.

Our Picket Fence Preview ad has NO set photo limit or written description, but we do not control the MLS system, which sets the base photo limit at 20 -- you can purchase an option to add more photos -- and the description must be limited to 1500 characters.

Payment is due at the time of ad placement.


Cancellation Policy

While advertising may be discontinued at any time, there are no refunds of any kind for any reason with advertising packages. Sellers are encouraged to wait until the buyer's appraisal and home inspection have been completed before discontinuing marketing the property.

*MLS ads are self-posted by the owner and reviewed by a licensed third-party agent who will post it into MLS. The owner will receive login credentials to maintain and manage your MLS ad.

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Reach Us At: Ryan@picketfencepreview.com 802.855.5037 P.O. Box 8094, Essex, VT 05451